DEI Facilitation & Consulting Services
DEI Facilitation & Consulting solves critical diversity, equity and inclusion issues facing all types and sizes of corporate, nonprofit, university or governmental entities. Mr. Small brings credible expertise to each engagement based on his experiences as a person of color who journeyed through the uncharted “pipeline” of social and professional development from Head Start, to a public school education in a small southern town, to Harvard College, University of Virginia School of Law, Holland & Knight and beyond to national leadership posts.

Credible Diversity Facilitator
With many concrete program achievements in the Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI) field, let Mr. Small help you to facilitate honest dialogue about your organization's most sensitive diversity, equity and inclusion topics and then help develop and implement customized diversity training and other solutions that promote mutual understanding and a basis for true collaboration among the various constituencies of your organization, including its management, HR, legal and other administrative, business, employees, customers and surrounding communities.
"Diversity" Plan Design and Implementation
Independent Expertise
Looking for an outside assessment of the effectiveness of ongoing diversity, equity and inclusion programs? Let Mr. Small draw upon his many experiences designing and managing start-up initiatives to assist your organization with an independent diversity audit and candid assessment of return on investment of ongoing diversity, equity and inclusion or belonging programs as well as with conceptual design, start-up and management of new initiatives that better align with your current organizational objectives.

EEO Compliance Consulting
Social Engineer
Relying upon his extensive experience counseling legal clients concerning the entire spectrum of diverse characteristics (such as race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, LGBTQIA, gender identity, religion, disability and economic or marital status), Mr. Small can facilitate smart and effective alignment between your organization's EEO compliance function and its overall diversity, equity and inclusion goals.
Diversity Speaker
Effective Diversity Advocate
Select List of Prior Speaking Engagements:
Stetson University Second Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Life and Legacy Event
ABA Panel Implicit Bias Training: Does it Help Combat Racism or is it Racist?
Iron Sharpens Iron Annual Retreat
West Volusia Color Line Roundtables
DeLand, Florida Community Unity Day
ABA Collaborate to Advocate Anti-Poverty Roundtables
The Florida Bar 2008 Annual Diversity Symposium
Daytona Beach News Journal Medallion of Excellence Dinner
University of Virginia BLSA Reunion Luncheon
Center for the Study of Race and Law Public Service Conference
Ron Brown Scholar Program Triennial Conference
Stetson University Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast
University of Virginia Dillard Scholar Selection Weekend
Cleveland Elementary School Panel on Lawyer Involvement
National Conference on University Race Relations